What should I know about working with cavupro?

The CAVUPRO team has been in the cabinet and millwork business over 25 years, partnering with key organizations in the manufacturing sector to bring together a group of professionals and facilities that are unparalleled in our core fundamental of exclusive multi-unit cabinet supply. The CAVUPRO brand (since 2016) represents the most capable and experienced multi-unit supply team in Western Canada.


We supply the entirety of Western Canada and Western USA. As many of our clients build in more than one province and state, this allows us to build stronger relationships and communications with developer and general contractor teams giving our clients a high level of continuity and support across their markets.

What are our lead times?

Being specifically multi-family cabinet supply, we are not impeded by trying to accommodate retail, single family, 'one-off' type kitchens, which may hinder our production flows and potentially cause delays. At CAVUPRO, we work directly with our clients' site schedules and forecasts to ensure our production is going to exceed the needs of volumes and dates required.